You and i have had a date with history been standing here
facing you
for sometime now impatiently waiting to hear you tell me when i can
move I can’t breathe to hear you tell me when i can take
the step that
won’t offend the step that won’t threaten you I can’t breathe in one
too many of these instances i have choked always a bête noire refusing
to wait for a deliverance that won’t come
a deliverance that can’t come
I can’t breathe as the wheel spins and spins and spins I can’t breathe
only to keep spinning and won’t stop until we say we won’t get on the
bus and actually don’t get on the bus
I can’t breathe too desperate for
spaces where i can live in my own skin where we can breathe in the
castle of our skin I can’t breathe this is why i can’t wait “This stops
today!” Eric Garner said. This is why we can’t we won’t wait too many
have already died continue to die for us to be here
I can’t breathe as
spirits are under siege and bullets fly we keep waiting for history to
absolve us I can’t breathe so when i tell you i won’t start here because
my ancestors have already been there I can’t breathe when we say we
won’t… can’t start here
because our ancestors have already been there
you better know that we are on the offense
I can’t breathe I can’t
breathe in this battlefield spinning new manifestos for dreamers while
standing on the bodies of our young and the carcasses of our ancestors
ready… to breathe.
This text was previously published in Gina Athena Ulysse, Because When God Is Too Busy: Haïti, me, & THE WORLD, Wesleyan University Press, Middletown, Connecticut, 2017. © Gina Athena Ulysse, used by permission.